User Profile - InfiniteLSSJ

ID 856922800
Level User (100)
Points 28840 (Rank 152)
Messages sent 16802 (Rank 13)
Last seen 2024-08-09 13:50:48.860902+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-04-23 01:40:00.159854+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 1 month and 6 days
Time spent in offline chat 3 days and 7 hours
Permabanned on basementhelper No

Duel stats

Duels Total 4
Duels Won 3
Duels Lost 1
Winrate 75.0%
Profit from duels 7265 points
Last duel 2024-02-22 01:25:29.894394+00:00
Longest Win Streak 3
Current Win Streak 3

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 55404
Roulettes amount 6
Profit -1488
Winrate 50.00%
Biggest winstreak 2
Biggest losestreak 2
Biggest win 17695
Biggest loss -14858

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-02-17 03:22:54.436862+00:00 9120
2024-02-03 20:49:06.352215+00:00 17695
2024-01-06 00:49:03.953744+00:00 -10038
2023-12-20 01:24:54.138338+00:00 143
2023-10-31 00:04:48.565517+00:00 -14858
2023-03-27 22:33:04.996432+00:00 -3550