User Profile - assasinwar9

ID 52010193
Level User (100)
Points 73903 (Rank 80)
Messages sent 9883 (Rank 27)
Last seen 2024-03-06 02:09:18.762724+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-03-06 01:24:35.467709+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 16 days and 10 hours
Time spent in offline chat 2 days and 2 hours
Permabanned on basementhelper No

Duel stats

Duels Total 42
Duels Won 17
Duels Lost 25
Winrate 40.48%
Profit from duels -1237079 points
Last duel 2024-03-06 01:14:44.554443+00:00
Longest Win Streak 2

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 3835752
Roulettes amount 20
Profit -543798
Winrate 45.00%
Biggest winstreak 3
Biggest losestreak 5
Biggest win 417798
Biggest loss -854758

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-03-06 01:14:16.676367+00:00 25180
2024-02-21 23:49:55.410830+00:00 -1417
2024-02-21 00:50:24.001230+00:00 -12625
2024-02-17 21:11:42.974471+00:00 -195844
2024-02-07 21:59:45.011222+00:00 -854758
2024-02-01 00:55:01.829074+00:00 -4000
2024-02-01 00:51:06.530812+00:00 417798
2024-02-01 00:47:14.845818+00:00 211249
2024-01-30 01:15:20.705707+00:00 104273
2024-01-30 01:14:49.819639+00:00 -90000
2023-12-30 00:37:47.671852+00:00 -700000
2023-12-30 00:33:54.806388+00:00 -22653
2023-12-30 00:30:11.692340+00:00 253009
2023-12-30 00:27:28.187818+00:00 210000
2023-12-30 00:25:15.851895+00:00 -255978
2023-12-30 00:22:44.591882+00:00 247989
2023-12-30 00:20:51.620231+00:00 -50500
2023-12-30 00:13:08.303814+00:00 174479
2023-02-06 22:11:59.378119+00:00 2000
2022-11-21 00:56:16.386375+00:00 -2000